Align your daily activities to achieve your most important goals

As a leader you’re pulled in many directions. It’s easy to lose site of the big picture. By crafting your 3-year letter and defining your focus areas, it will be easier to say yes to the right activities and no to the wrong ones.

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What's included with
the Framework for Success

A Guide to Help You Stay on Course

Discover exactly how to write your 3-year letter.

A 30/60/90 Day Action Plan 

Identify your focus areas that will actually drive results.

A Way to Measure Your Progress

Audit yourself to ensure you're staying on track.

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Anything is Possible

When you implement the right game plan to reach your goals, NOTHING is out of reach! Take control of your future by downloading our free Framework for Success.

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Hey, I'm Chad

Founder of The Designed Leader

Named a Top Coach Making a Difference by USA Today and featured as a Top Entrepreneur Changing the World by Entrepreneur Magazine, Chad has traveled the globe to help organizations discover where they want to be, to create a plan to get there, and to issue a challenge to achieve real results.

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